I was very pleased about weather at this weekend. The forecast was not so good, it should have been raining quite a lot, however especially Sunday was sunny all day long and I could leave my hotel room and visit a wood-park and the centre of Nürnberg again. I wanted to visit Sunday´s service in the church, but I went to bed quite late last night and I overslept! Fortunatelly I didn´t miss my breakfast in the hotel at least! I went to the final station of local subway and from there I started my tour. I would never say there can be such a nice wood so close to Nürnberg. Everything smelled so springy, not a few people were jogging there. This park lies in the southern part of Nürnberg (at least I think it´s still Nürnberg) and it´s quite close to a crossing of two highways. People live usually in slab blocks there, but they look much nicer than the czech ones.
I will surely go there once again at least when it´s real spring and flowers and trees are flourishing. It must be a nice walk there.
Well, it´s enough for today. My second month in Germany has already started and this means I have more than 25 % of my trip behind me. In the rest of my time here I will try to keep my blog updated at least in the frequency I am doing it now.
May God bless all of you!
Tak to jsem rad, ze uz mas ctvrtinu za sebou.Davej na sebe pozor a rychle popohanej hodinky at Ti to utece a bude to 100%. Az se vratis tak budes moct chodit behat s Magdalenkou ,ktera uz chodi. Sorry ze jsem Ti jeste nenapsal email - nestiham,nestacim ... Mej se pekne
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