Visit of R+P+M Šrámkovi
Our friends Petr & Rebeca Šrámkovi came together with their daughter Magdalena for a visit two weeks ago. It was probably our last time spent together before their flight to the USA at the end of October. We had 2 days at our disposal and we were spending them not only with drinking coffee and eating sweets, but also with walking and visiting our church in Česká Skalice. On Saturday we went to Opočno. It´s a small town with a beautiful castle and even more beautiful garden. We all enjoyed it very much and Magdalena seemed to be satisfied too. :-)
Sunday afternoon Šrámkovi went home to Prague and I started packing my things to go to Bratislava in the evening. Our weekend was over. You can enjoy a small piece of our atmosphere from the pictures at least.
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